Overall, the book provides an excellent reference for those interested in the geometric, algebraic, and numerical aspects of fitting lines, curves, and circles to data. It gives an insightful discussion of the geometric and algebraic aspects of measurement error models and provides a thorough discussion of the various algorithms for fitting such models to data, by offering advice and comparisons concerning their strengths and weaknesses under different circumstances.
—Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2012
… the book contains useful insights and will be of benefit to those interested in the theoretical aspects of fitting lines and circles to data. Some mathematical background is assumed by the author, but the book is written excellently and the exposition is clearly structured. The book is unique in the way that it has brought together a variety of topics into one volume of work. I would recommend that statisticians who are interested in measurement error models, and those who are interested in fitting circles to data (such as those working in computer vision) at the very least investigate this book.
—Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, July 2011